Many students, teachers, and parents have been on the edge of their seats wondering where students will be learning after this break. Will it be at school or at home? As a lot of surrounding schools have announced they will be going virtual, Tuesday night’s school board announcement that we will be going back to a hybrid schedule was not a surprise for most.
This means that people with last names starting with A-K will be going Mondays and Wednesdays and K-Z going Tuesdays and Thursdays with Fridays alternating. This will be the same as when we went hybrid in the first trimester. This time, things should run more smoothly. Teachers are saying they have a plan and are more prepared this time around, as it is much more anticipated.
For some, this is a relief. Sophomore Lilly Brown said she is “looking forward to switching back to the hybrid schedule because it will be much safer for all of the students and teachers.” As well as freshman Davion Berry. “I personally think it will be much safer,” Berry said.
All things considered, the school board’s email says that we should “be prepared for a sudden change to the learning status,” at any time. So, this change could switch back to green or red at any moment. Considering that Monroe Country has had a spike with 5,000 total cases, going fully online is very possible.