On April 26th, the school board unanimously approved new school start times for next year. Starting next school year, MCCSC plans to change the school start times in order to accommodate the transportation issues caused by a shortage of bus drivers. Currently, there is a shortage of about 60 bus drivers, causing buses to be late or overcrowded. The new staggered schedule will eliminate bus routes and ease the workload on drivers.. Additionally, the wage of bus drivers will be increased by $1. South will begin school at 7:45 a.m., fifteen minutes earlier than what it is now, and will end at 2:40 p.m. Here’s what students think about the new school start time.
“I don’t like the idea of it but I’ll probably end up coming to school at 8 a.m anyways.”
-Junior Nico Walters
“I feel like high schoolers already stay up too late and have to wake up too early. Starting school earlier won’t actually benefit anyone, it will just fix the bus issues.”
-Sophomore Ana Crowley
“I’m starting a petition to see how many people dislike the school start change. Maybe with everyone’s voice we can change it to be more beneficial for our mental health because studies show that a later school start time is more healthy for teenagers.”
-Junior Kayla Tarack
“I think that the 15 minutes won’t make much of a difference in the morning. Getting off earlier will be really nice though.”
-Mr. Kluesner
Next year’s new schedules for high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools are as follows:
High Schools: 7:45 a.m-2:40 p.m
Middle Schools: 8:10 a.m.-3:05 p.m.
Group 1 (Arlington, Binford, Childs, Highland Park, Fairview, and Rogers): 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Group 2 (Clear Creek, Grandview, Lakeview, Marlin, Summit, Templeton, Unionville, University): 9:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m.