It’s that time of year again, juniors and seniors! Other than South’s in-school SAT day for juniors on October 12, test dates for the rest of the year are:
- November 5
- December 3
Registration for these dates are open currently.
The 2023 test dates are:
- March 11
- May 6
- June 3
Registration for 2023 dates will open in February.
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- Go to the College Board website and sign in
- Scroll down and find the SAT tab; it should be the first one on the left
- Click “See All Dates”
- Click the yellow Register button to register
- It doesn’t matter which date you choose at this point; you can change the date later on!
- College Board will ask you to confirm/enter personal information about yourself. It’s important to go through every page and make sure everything is accurate
- Read the Terms and Conditions and click that you have and read and accept them
- Confirm testing country/region, then pick the date you want to test
- Registration fee is $60. If you qualify for a fee waiver, you will get 2 SAT tests for free.
- Click where you’ll be testing
- After clicking “Continue,” you will have 20 minutes to complete signing up before losing your seat
- Upload a picture of yourself
- Your picture must match how you’ll look on test day.
- Confirm your registration
Congratulations, you’ve just signed up for the SAT! Before your test, make sure you get a good night’s sleep and eat a hearty breakfast.