The Kelly School of Business’ Institute for Social Impact is collaborating with Heading Home, an organization striving to decrease the homeless population in South Central Indiana, to host a reading challenge from November 17th to January 31st.
This challenge is meant to spread awareness to high schoolers about housing insecurity to motivate them to join the solution to strengthen housing security.
Challenge Guidelines:
- Students must read at least two books from the list provided within the timeframe of November 17th-January 31st
- Students must then write a 150-200 word personal reflection on each book. Their reflection will be (consentingly) shared with the broader community through Heading Home’s communications network.
- Heading Home will then host a party to discuss what the participants took away from their readings. There will be Pizza, Drinks, and Prizes.
Each participant that completed the challenge will receive a Morganstern’s bookstore gift card and a raffle ticket for the following prizes: a Nintendo Switch, Beat’s headphones, a polaroid camera, a tablet, and a $100 Dick’s gift card. Additional prizes include Pottery House, Hoosier Heights, and Amazon gift cards. Every additional read will earn an extra raffle ticket for a higher chance to win a prize.
Click here for link to reading list.