Originally scheduled for February 28th, the Panther Gala has been rescheduled to be on the same night as Fine Arts Night in April.
The Panther Gala is a fun, fashion event that began a few years ago, inspired by the Met Gala. Catya Murray, an art teacher at South, who began the Panther Gala and continues to run it, says “the idea is to have a creative theme as a basis to encourage students to think outside the box and create fashion creations of their own.”
This year, due to a lack of participants, the Panther Gala is most likely being pushed back to the same night as Fine Arts Night in April. “It’ll make that night even more special because it’ll be music, Panther Gala, and fine arts, and it’ll just be a big bash,” said Murray, excited for the change in plans.
The Panther Gala is a creative outlet for students and a “celebration of design.” It benefits students as being a way to be imaginative and bring their ideas to life. Be sure to come out to fine arts night and witness the creative magic that will occur!