Bloomington boasts a fantastic arts community, fueled by several local programs, including IU Theatre. Opening in March is IU Theatre’s production of The Tempest, a tragicomedy penned by William Shakespeare. The show follows sorcerer Prospero and his daughter Miranda, who find themselves on an island surrounded by spirits. They have been stranded there by Prospero’s brother, Antonio. The cast features 18 actors, including South alumnus Devin May.
South students are invited to attend the final dress rehearsal for the show free of charge on Thursday, February 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Students must bring a student ID. The performance will take place at the Ruth N. Halls theater, located at 275 N. Jordan Avenue. Students interested should arrive early, as the seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
IU Theatre is also offering a coupon exclusively for high school students, allowing them to purchase $5 tickets to any of the four upcoming IU Theatre productions. Students interested in theatre discount coupons should see Kathleen Mills in A125, or stop by the main office.