Feb. 14 marks one of the most romantic, and arguably one of the most commercialized, days of the year.
There are many theories regarding the origins of Valentine’s Day. Some argue that it marks the death of St. Valentine after he was executed for performing secret marriages of soldiers in the army despite the outlaw put in place. Others believe that St. Valentine was killed after rescuing Christians from Roman prisons. Some legends even say that St. Valentine himself was the first to send a “Valentine card,” and that he did this when he was in prison. He allegedly signed the card, “from your Valentine.”
The holiday as a whole has certainly evolved since its creation. This popular holiday has become a day of romance filled with many gifts for loved ones. In fact, “approximately 150 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas,” according to history.com.
South students have found many ways in which to celebrate this holiday. Students displayed their love (or friendship) for one another by purchasing cookies from Orchestra.
These cookies contained up to three word messages that could be as simple as “I love you” or as unusual as “homeslice.”
“I was very happy to receive a cookie on Valentine’s Day, because it’s a nice treat to have during the day. I think cookies are a great Valentine’s Day gift because [they’re] food and everyone loves cookies, especially ones shaped like a heart,” junior Sumayyah Din said.
Whatever you may think the origins of this holiday are, and regardless of how you celebrate it, have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
For more information on the origins of Valentine’s Day visit: http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day